День свято́го Валенти́на, или День всех влюблённых — праздник, который отмечается 14 февраля во многих странах мира. Предположительно назван по имени одного из двух раннехристианских мучеников с именем Валентин.
Отмечающие этот праздник дарят любимым и дорогим людям цветы, конфеты, игрушки, воздушные шарики и особые открытки (часто в форме сердечка), со стихами, любовными признаниями или пожеланиями любви — "валентинки".
Правда это или вымысел, мы можем использовать эту историю чтобы познакомиться с культурой стран изучаемого языка, и в этом нам поможет авторская песня, в которой рассказывается на английском вся история Святого Валентина.
Let me tell you a story not of chocolates and roses
Though you'll hear a familiar line
Is it fact or tis fiction I'm not sure but here goes
A story of Saint Valentine
He was a priest who lived at a time when an edict
Forbid any young folks to wed
It was thought if you're married a poor soldier you'd make
So you're better off being single instead
But what were the young ones who longed to be joined
In holy matrimony sublime
To do but to go and in secrecy be wed
By the priest known as Valentine
A saint of lovers he's called now today
Two lives he helped intertwine
It's a story to think about the next time you read
Those sweet words, "From your Valentine"
But actions like this don't continue unnoticed
He was found by the emperor's men
He was caught, he was tortured, and thrown into prison
And what do you think happened then?
The jailor had a daughter who sadly was blind
And hoped this man could help make her see
With prayers of faith she was healed by the One
Who came to set the captives free
The emperor tried to persuade him to change
To repent of the errors he'd made
But Valentine was bolder and tried converting the ruler
Execution no more was delayed
When the day came the jailor's daughter she cried
He had given an example so fine
With a pen and a paper he bid her farewell
And signed it "From your Valentine"
A saint of lovers he's called now today
He shared of a love so divine
It's a story to think about the next time you read
Those sweet words, "From your Valentine"
It's a story to share the next time you read
Those sweet words, "From your Valentine"
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